Saturday, 28 December 2013

First night in Chile, - Santiago

Well, it's late, and we just got back to our hotel after our first full night in Santiago.  Sometimes, things just happen that make you have a warmer feeling for humanity in general.  It all started at about 10pm. We decided to go to zonal Bella vista.  This area of Santiago is the nightlife zone.  While walking thought it, we saw these strange tubes out on the tables, filled with beer.

We passed a table of Chileans and asked if they minded us taking a picture, which they were more than happy to do,and invited us to sit with them.  4 hours later, we can now proudly say we have 6 wonderful Chilean friends, all of whom I would gladly invite into my home and would love the opportunity to reciprocate the hospitality one day..  Javier, Gabriel, Jose, Felipe and rapper dude whom I never quite got the name of,thank you for a fun night, and I will see you again, even if only on Facebook.  Most of the time, it's the wonderful people you meet that provide the best travel memories.

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