The super highway is a toll road, with a toll about every 100 kms, costing $1.20 per bike. To help speed things up we usually take turns paying, and they either let all of us through at once, or sometimes open and close the gate for each one of us. It is done fairly inconsistently. At one toll, it was my turn to pay, and when we reached the front of the long line to pay, i have the lady my money, The gate opened and Al went through. As she was handing me my receipt, she suddenly starts screaming "vende uno vende uno", I turn to watch Chris riding through and the gate closing.... It boinks off his head, and crumples at the base of the arm inwards.( i guess a safety mechanism). Alarms are going off, the girl is still screaming vende uno vende uno. Once i see Chris is fine ( but confused) i apologize to the girl and let her know the last toll booth sent us all through together. she, in a less panicked voice just repeats "vende uno". With the alarms still going off, and with all the people behind us now finding themselves in a closed lane, we got the hell out of there. sure glad we had Chilean license plates so we didn't make Canadians look bad. Once on the road again, suddenly i saw how funny the whole thing was and was pretty much in tears laughing to myself in my helmet for an hour or so.
Made it to Chillan, and the bikes are being serviced. We get them back first thing in the morning. i had thought this shop was interested in buying them and gave them a better price that we would get in Santiago, bit it looks like they may not want to (its a long drive for them to go get them). Our friend from the previous stop here, Paulo, is on vacation. would have been nice to see him again, but the other guys are nice too, and seemed happy to see us back.
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