Tuesday, 7 January 2014

January 6 - day 2 Carretera Austral

Woke up, climbed out of my tent, and was greeted by 4 angry steers.  Seems they don't like people camping in their territory.  After a few minutes of tension, they wandered off, and I started to make coffee.  The plastic rack I made in Canada to use one the bike once here is working well, i have also been using it as my cooking table.  As we start to pack up, the winds continue to increase, and clouds are rolling in fast.  Doesn't look like we are going to have the same luck with the weather that we had the day before.  The road had again turned to gravel just as the bridge we camped under ended, so today started without pavement.  As we make our way along the road, the rain begins, but for the most part just sprinkling.  About 15 kms down the road, we hit road construction.. They are starting to add a lane for each direction and pave the carretera Austral.  The construction zones are terrifying on these little bikes.  A top surface of loose gravel, with potholes everywhere, we find ourselves battling the construction for 4 hours, while we manage to go an entire 90 kms.  Scenery is still beautiful, but I cant help but worry how a decent and paved highway will affect this place.  It will probably be an economic boom for the locals, bringing in more tourism, but will it be the right kind of tourism.   Will it bring in more logging?  Will the wealthy scoop up all the river fronts for part time homes?
   At around 4 pm we stop in a little town and have a coffee. The rains had picked up to pretty much a downpour over the last 30 minutes, so the coffee was warming.  We head back onto the road once the rain reduces to a shower, and decide to go a little further and find somewhere to camp.   At about 6 pm, 50 kms of so from town, we see a lodge on the shore of a river.  A little behind the lodge is a waterfall feeding into the river.  We stop in front of the lodge and jokingly wonder how much it is a night, but we continue on.  About 30 seconds later, we spot a little gravel access road to the river, almost right below the waterfall, but on the opposing bank.  We pull in and pitch our tents.  Its a little windy, and the rain is sporadic, but we have a million dollar view in 4 directions.  Best of all, its free.  We pull out our stoves, cook our food ( Chris doesn't spill his tonight) and eventually wander off to our tents after a wet but inspiring day.

Part of the road

Camping on the river's edge.  Waterfall in background

Chris NOT spilling his food.

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